Why Hack Sioux Falls is Important

Hands-on learning is an invaluable educational tool for our kids. Hack Sioux Falls is here to make that a reality.


Hack Sioux Falls uses modern components for all of our projects, including the Arduino platform. And all the electronics are provided.

Communication Skills

Communication is a vital part of learning. All kids will produce a project video explaining what they build and how it works.

Critical Thinking

We are reinforcing critical thinking and problem-solving by challenging what they already know about electronics. This is a valuable skill our kids need to success.


Kids work in small groups to collaborate on ideas and designs. We need more opportunities for kids to think creatively while working in groups, and that's a big part of Hack Sioux Falls.


Our projects challenge kids to think creatively as well as technology while working on their challenges. Creative thinking has produced some fantastic designs.

The Challenge

Twice a year, we will issue a new and creative challenge that asks kids to build their own solutions to the problem. Challenges will be related to electronics and embedded engineers; for example, build a tamper-proof Christmas present or recreate Simon Says.

More information: Introduction Video | What’s Included Video | Soldering Video | Logistics Video

Our Organizer

Hack Sioux Falls is run by Will Bushee, the Executive Director of Code Bootcamp School. This event is brought to you by the team that founded Code Bootcamp, Gaming Bootcamp, Arduino Camp, Girls Breaker Day, and more. With a significant focus on STEM education for kids, this event is a lot of fun, and the kids have a great time.

Sioux Falls' Only Electronics Event For Kids

Engineering Skills Demystified

Challenges will have dozens of possible solutions; we want to encourage kids to think, coordinate, prototype, and build their solution. We are reinforcing critical thinking, problem-solving, working with others, and the understanding of complex solutions as part of each challenge, these are all valuable skills for our kids to learn.
Competing & Learning

Competing & Learning

At the conclusion of the challenge, each student will be required to present and demonstrate their solution, write a build guide, and produce an explanation video.



Kids will learn the basics about resistors, capacitors, and LEDs. We will be leveraging all types of electronics include Arduinos, ESP8266, ultra-sound, LEDs, displays, PIR detectors, and multiplexers.

Critical Thinking Skills

Critical Thinking Skills

Each challenge will have dozens of possible solutions; we want to encourage kids to think, coordinate, prototype, and build their solution to the challenge. We are reinforcing critical thinking, problem-solving, and working with others.



We will also learn to solder as part of Hack Sioux Falls. Each project we build a custom solder kit, and the kids have loved soldering.

Ready? Let's Go!

Ready? Let's Go!

Our goal is to teach kids that they can build solutions, how to collaborate with others, to understand technology, and to demystify engineering as a career path.

Get in Touch

Hack Sioux Falls is a Code Bootcamp School 501(c)(3) project.

Give us a ring

William Bushee
Executive Director
605-610-9455 (cell)

Contact Us